Thursday, December 20, 2007


Meda Inc Bhd took loan on shoplot unit that belongs to another owner

I have not blogged for quite sometime, and have not decided whether to keep this blog or take it down. Recently I received a lot of emails keeping me updated at what's happening at Meda Inc Bhd and their sister companies. Although my company this year has received partial payment of what Meda owed us, I think I shall do a public service for everyone, so I shall keep this blog up for the time being.

Another gentleman, Mr Norman Chia, is extremely angry at Meda Inc Bhd. He decided to write in and go public with his experience. Below I reproduce the full text of his mail:

A facsimile from

Norman Chia Ferng Ji
(Mr Chia gave his mobile number for the public to call him for verification but I decide not to disclose it here)

To: Wilbert Goh/Jenny Lim Fax number: (03) 8024 8966 (fax number of Meda Inc Bhd)

Date: 20-Dec-07

Regarding: News for Your Business/Consumer Section: Proof that Meda Inc Bhd is Scandalizing its Property Buyers!


"Dear Editor,

Greetings. As mentioned over the telephone, I, of the above name, am a seasoned real estate investor. For all the real estate transactions that I have completed for the past 7 years, the one I am currently involved in, is so immoral and illegal, and involves a high profile corporation - Meda Inc Bhd, that I feel that the public should be made aware of it before doing any further business with this company and its affiliates. For the record, my solicitors and I have all the legal documents to substantial everything I am reporting here.

This is how the story goes. I decided to purchase a shopping centre lot in The Summit Shopping Centre on 20th December 2006 (attached copy of SPA). The seller was Hexaland Sdn Bhd. The agreed purchase price for the lot was RM220,000. After the agreement was signed, deposit being paid, my solicitors went ahead to complete the necessary legal paperwork to complete the transaction. So far so good.

However, in 29th May 2007, my solicitors conducted a land search on the master title on which the shop lot is erected and the search result reveals that there is a charge created by Meda Development Sdn Bhd (the developer of The Summit Shopping Centre) in favour of Arab Malaysia Merchant Bank Berhad (copy of charge attached) for a whopping amount of RM220, 000. In other words, the developer – Meda Development Sdn Bhd - charged that particular shopping lot to AmInvestment Bank and secured a loan of RM220,000 – without the seller knowing about it! This means the seller, in this case, Hexaland Sdn Bhd, is unable to sell this property to me because the developer owes money on his property. Our solicitor advised us that unless the developer settles this loan completely, this property cannot be transferred to my name, or anybody’s name for that matter. Our solicitor also informed us that the developer was able to secure this loan because Hexaland Sdn Bhd purchased this property with cash (no mortgage charged), hence fooling AmInvestment Bank into thinking that this property is unsold.

After six months of chasing, the developer till to date has refused to do the right thing and settle the loan they had no right to secure at the first place. Their manager, Mr. Wilbert Goh, gave one false promise after another that this issue will be solved. When threatened with legal action, their response is simply “go ahead”.

The seller and I will have no choice but to bring this matter to court. We have given Meda Development Sdn Bhd ample time (6 months) to do the right thing. It has been almost 12 months since we signed the SPA. Justice must be served. What other choice are we left with? However, I just want the public to be aware of the business practices of Meda Inc Bhd, especially its property arm. They are launching several residential projects for sale in Subang and I am genuinely worried for the thousands of home buyers/investors that have been dealing with them. I sincerely hope this sharing will open up the eyes of the public to this shocking and irresponsible corporate behaviour. I also applaud your newspaper for showing such interest in our story and doing a service for our community.

Please feel free to contact me at the above number. If you wish to contact the seller, Hexaland Sdn Bhd, to get their perspective on this transaction, the director is Mr. Her (012 221 6633).

Thank You. "

Wendy says: Mr Chia, my best wishes to you. The holiday season is here, hope MEDA INC BHD will settle this matter with you soon. But I'm not optimistic. The owners and management of Meda are scumbags without a single bone of integrity or honesty.

Please do keep us updated of the progress of your legal action. And if you wish for me to take down this post, please do let me know also.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


How did ANDAMAN GROUP SDN BHD come about? Who's the REAL power behind all that's happening in Meda Inc Bhd? Is Meda Inc Bhd doomed?

On 10th Nov 2006, I mentioned about their grand plan to let Meda Inc Bhd sink under heavy debt, together with the lenders, suppliers and others to whom Meda owes money. And their sneaky scheme to put up their new company Andaman Group for listing on the Bursa.

"A Friend" gives us a closer look at the hanky-panky in Meda Inc Bhd...

"Dear were wrong on one count. The Cova project does not come under the Meda Group, so the sales do not goes to Meda. Most probably you do not know the history of the Andaman Group. Let me set the record straight for you.

Basically Meda went public because they need funds to expand. Meda have been listed on the main board for more than five years and with the funds from the listing you would expect the company to have expanded and have more projects. If you look deeper the company have no new projects at all. The current projects are the very SAME projects that they have when they got listed.

So one would think that the management of Meda and the Directors are sitting on their fat butts doing nothing as there were no new projects. ON THE CONTRARY. TEOH SENG AUN HAVE BEEN VERY BUSY USING THE RESOURCES OF MEDA TO IDENTIFY NEW PROJECTS. The marketing and project department of Meda have been scouring around for viable projects and they have identified two such projects namely One Subang and the Cova, Kota Damansara. But instead of injecting these projects into Meda he took it private.

He formed the ANDAMAN GROUP using his brothers in law as a front. The brothers in law are Alex Wong, William Wong and Joshua Wong. In fact he is grooming Alex Wong to head the group. He went further to ensure the Cova project is a success by entering into an agreement with SEGi to rent the apartments from them so that the company can provide guaranteed returns to the purchasers. The question here is why Teoh Seng Aun(TSA) did not inject the projects into Meda. IT IS VERY SIMPLE. HE WANTS TO ENRICH HIMSELF FURTHER AND HIS FAMILY TOO.It was also rumored that TSA siphoned RM8 million from Meda to form the Group and till today have not repaid the money back to Meda.In fact the Cova project was obtained through the contacts of Ong Bok Siong who is very close to the people in PKNS or PNSB. So why is Ong Bok Siong allowing TSA to take the project private instead of injecting into Meda? Has Ong Bok Siong no loyalty to Meda which is paying his fat salary and giving him a luxurious car and a driver? Is he not responsible to the minority shareholders who expect him to perform his duties?

Now we have to ask the other question on what will the authorities do to the Board of Directors of Meda who sit back and allowed TSA to abuse his power as the majority shareholder to misuse the resources of Meda to enrich himself instead of resolving the financial problems of the company?. Are the Directors not guilty of dereliction of duty? What about TSA? As the major shareholder, does he have the authority to determine the direction of the company? What business have he to manage the company?
Are all the Directors just figureheads?

The authorities would want to have evidence to investigate Meda. The evidence are actually there for everyone to see, the abuse of power and the arrogance of Teoh Seng Aun, who thinks he can get away with it and that the authorities are IMPOTENT. Actually the MOTHER of all arrogance of TSA is to have the Andaman Group located on the 18th Floor of Menara Summit, which was the Directors' floor of the Meda and KEB group where at one time ALL the Directors were located. WHY? Because TSA sits on that floor and he wants his pivate company to be located there so HE CAN OVERSEE ITS OPERATIONS. Next are the transfer of KEY PERSONNEL FROM MEDA. Robert You the COO was formerly with Salcon under Kumpulan Emas, so he cannot be counted. What about the Director of Project Charanjeet Singh who was formerly the Senior General Manager - Project of Meda. Then there is the Senior Manager - Marketing Lau Hon Chong who holds the same position with Meda. The Sales and Administration Manager, Iris Chai, was formerly the Assistant Sales and Administration Manager of Meda. Isn't the transfer of these key personnels a sure sign of abuse of the public listed company?

The final question to be asked is WHAT ARE TEOH SENG AUN'S PLANS FOR MEDA? NOTHING!!!!!. Meda is too heavily in debt to a tune of more than RM200 million to be able to save. He will allow Meda to die a slow and painful death. Meanwhile he has formed the Andaman Group and he has grand plans for the group. He is talking about a billon dollar JV in China and more exciting projects. Then he WILL LIST the Group again. DEJA' VU?"

Wendy says:
"It will be the same story all over again. Just like Kumpulan Emas (EcoFirst) before, Meda Inc Bhd now and Andaman Group in the future."

Here's the news report about the RM1billion JV in China. There's no way a newly-formed Sdn Bhd can suddenly find all that money to take on an expensive RM1Billion project unless the funds are improperly obtained.

The Directors should be taken to court for dereliction of their duties, professional negligence and possibly even conspiracy to defraud minority shareholders...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


This is not the latest news, but I still have to tell you about this.

Sometime last year, Meda Inc Bhd - Summit Shopping Complex Subang USJ - owed Tenaga about RM1million in overdue electricity bills. One fine day, the Tenaga technicians went to Meda Inc Bhd head office to demand payment or else they would immediately disconnect power supply. The Meda accounts office had to panic and rush to look for the money before they could get the cheque out for Kenneth Teoh to sign before handing it over to the Tenaga people. The bills were overdue for quite some time - just like all those bills owing to suppliers and contractors.

If the power was cut, the whole Menara Summit and shopping complex would just stop functioning. Then the shopping centre owners and tenants will sue Meda Inc Bhd again for causing loss of business.

I notice the owners love to give very grand names to their buildings. I also heard they wanted to call their property "SUMMIT CITY" but the authorities did not approve. Defiitely it will be grand and impressive, such a name. The Teoh brothers would be going around feeling so proud about their status as owners of such a prestigious "CITY".

I wonder how they can go home each day feeling so proud about the debts their companies owe to banks, suppliers and contractors.

Maybe they should test their entrepreneurial skills again by joining the Nescafe KICK-START TV Show (TV3, Saturdays, 7pm). They will be lucky that they don't have to face Donald Trump ("The Apprentice") who enjoys telling people "you're fired!"


Friday, March 23, 2007


ZKP under receivership. What about other outstanding debts?

As of now, we know that ZKP going under receivership is the result of action taken by CIMB Bank Bhd to recall its loans to the Meda group.

Meda Inc Bhd had in 1999 & 2000 borrowed heavily from CIMB Bank. The loan was not secured against any assets but based on the credit standing of the company. (Unbelievable! I wonder who approved the loan to this group?).

However, it is well-known in business circles that many credit lines had been withdrawn by various banks in the last few years. Now Meda Inc Bhd has been unable to even pay the interest on the loan taken from CIMB Bank. I think it could be due to one or all of the following factors:

1. CIMB has lost its patience with Meda Inc Bhd because of frequent missed payments.

2. The reputation of the group has also been in the tong sampah for so long. CIMB can no longer trust Meda Inc Bhd to honour its repayment obligations.

3. Meda Inc Bhd is already struggling under a very huge pile of debts due to its suppliers and creditors who are sueing them relentlessly. Looking at Meda under so much debts, CIMB decided to take action first before others lock up Meda's assets through winding up action.

4. Its Cova projects in Kota Damansara are not selling as well as they claim. There are not enough money coming in to pay for the debt repayments to CIMB. (Remember "A Friend" who wrote to tell us that Meda property sales were mostly scams?)

5. Its other projects are also not doing as well as they claim. For example, the Semantan Avenue Suites project which was completed last year is doing badly.

ZKP Development Sdn Bhd, being wholly owned by Meda Inc Bhd, owns and runs the Summit Shopping & Hotel complex in Bukit Mertajam. According to Meda Inc Bhd accounting, the Bukit Mertajam property is worth RM107million.

But whether they can actually get someone to pay RM107million for that property is big question. The complex has been badly maintained and car thefts and robberies there are frequent. This lowers the value of the property. If nobody wants to buy the property, it is worth...RM zero.

The amount outstanding owing by Meda Inc Bhd to CIMB Bank is RM55million. So ZKP is placed under receivership so that its asset, the Summit Shopping & Hotel Complex Bukit Mertajam, can be sold and the money from the sale be used to pay the amount owing to the bank.

Meda Inc Bhd's financial problems are well-known. But the owners have no financial problems. They still live in luxury houses, go for expensive holidays and drive the biggest and latest BMW cars. In fact, they own numerous companies, many houses and many cars. Perhaps, it is more accurate to say that their PLCs are in financial trouble but they personally are rich beyond imagination. Have the owners been manipulating a complex scheme that enrich their overflowing personal bank accounts, while their companies which are publicly subscribed, become financially strapped? Are the owners deliberately enriching themselves by not paying their suppliers, contractors and lenders? Just think about how much money has been going through their companies over the years - Meda Inc Bhd, SEGi, EcoFirst Consolidated (formerly Kumpulan Emas). Easily, several RM BILLION!!

It is embarrassing to be put under receivership, especially if you are supposed to be a big businessman who owns several PLCs, and especially if you a Datuk. It is a loss of face for Chinese businessmen. Maybe the Teoh brothers are either really in very deep financial trouble, or they have very thick skin. Probably both.

They should know that CIMB Bank would take this next step. They should also know that their property will not get a good price if it's sold in a receivership. They could have mortgaged it for a loan to pay off CIMB to avoid this bad and embarrassing publicity. Probably no other bank wanted to get involved with Meda Inc Bhd. Afterall, their bad payment reputation is already well known in the market.

And probably because no one wants to pay RM107million for it. Also, the book value is probably "cooked" to a higher value to make it easier for the group to get credit facilities from other unsuspecting finance companies.

Meda Inc Bhd most likely will not get close to the "book value" for the property. In a receivership sale, buyers will only be interested if the price is really really cheap. So, Meda Inc Bhd's property is now in the market, like pasar malam sale.

It will be interesting to see how much CIMB Bank can get for the ZKP asset. I think the bank should just offer to sell it for RM60million. This is more than enough to cover the loan. If Meda Inc Bhd disagrees, then the Teoh brothers should jolly well go out there and try selling it for more themselves, which I seriously doubt.

And what's going to happen to the money owed to suppliers and contractors? Maybe it is time to group together and sue Meda Inc Bhd for payment before the company runs out of cash and assets.

Action against Teoh brothers

Legal action should also be brought against the major shareholders personally -Dato Patrick Teoh,Teoh Seng Aun and Kenneth Teoh - who as group chairman, managing & executive directors drawing huge salaries and bonuses, should be personally held accountable for their business decisions and the way the PLC is run. Where they have caused the group to go under a mountain of debt and become insolvent through negligence or incompetence or especially fraudulent practices, they should be made to personally pay for the losses of the company. Shareholders who buy Meda Inc Bhd shares should not be made to suffer for the troubles of the company caused by these corporate crooks.

Suppliers are already so tired and fed up with all the rubbish from Meda Inc Bhd, they don't really care one way or another as long as the Teoh brothers get their just desserts. Punish them severely, yeah!


Thursday, March 22, 2007


Summit shopping & hotel complex, Bukit Mertajam

ZKP Development Sdn Bhd is bankrupt.

This news just came in from another reader through the email.
ZKP Development Sdn Bhd is under receivership. It is bankrupt, unable to pay its mountain of debts to its suppliers, contractors and other creditors.

Meda Inc Bhd owns ZKP, and ZKP owns the Summit shopping and hotel complex in Bukit Mertajam.

Auditors have been busy in the offices there. Staff have been leaving in numbers. Management staff of the Bukit Mertajam hotel are also trying to get out as fast as possible.

That's bad news for the suppliers and contractors. They have a huge amount of bills waiting to be paid. Will the owners sell the property and use the proceeds of the sale to pay off its creditors? Frankly, I doubt it. People in the business circle familiar with Meda Inc Bhd say the Teoh brothers are "dirty" people well known for their twist and turn and underhand methods.
Maybe Meda Inc Bhd already made sure that all the cash and assets of ZKP are moved out of the subsidiary first, and after that, deliberately let ZKP become insolvent so that ZKP don't have to pay the creditors? The suppliers and creditors will be the ones who suffer while the Teoh brothers' bank accounts fill up with another ten or twenty million ringgit. Who knows? This is the legal way to rob their suppliers' money.

Long ago around 1998, when the complex was just completed, Meda Bina Sdn Bhd (MBSB) and Meda Property Services Sdn Bhd (MPSB) - both Meda Inc Bhd's fully-owned subsidiaries- were dragged into a lawsuit by their contractor Tap Construction Sdn Bhd. Typical of the Meda Inc Bhd Teoh brothers, they didn't want to pay the contractor, which resulted in a long court case that eventually ended with the Meda Inc Bhd companies ordered to pay Tap Construction RM 36 million to settle. But not surprise, Meda Inc Bhd companies claimed not to have the cash to pay, so Tapcon agreed to have the Bukit Mertajam property transferred to ZKP, and the amount owed to Tapcon probably converted to shares or paid in instalments (I cannot confirm this part but I think that's how they did the deal.) Eventually, ZKP became 100% fully owned by Meda Inc Bhd.

Last year, ZKP sued its anchor tenant The Store, but lost. ZKP was ordered to pay legal costs for The Store. ZKP then fought AMAsurance Bhd for RM 6 million in another dispute, but its case was thrown out of court.
Instead of embarrassing themselves in court time and time again, Meda Inc Bhd owners - Kenneth Teoh, Teoh Seng Aun, Dato Patrick Teoh - should have just saved their lawyers' fees and pay their suppliers instead. This would have created much goodwill for them, rather than be cursed by so many people.
Another court case involving a Meda company and directors
This month, another subsidiary Meda Development Sdn Bhd and some directors will face legal action in court from Companion Park Sdn Bhd for owing money amounting to RM3.5 million.

I am sure Meda Inc Bhd's lawyers really love this customer because it gave the lawyers so much business. As you can see, all those lawsuits did not end in favour of ZKP/Meda Inc Bhd. I'm sure it's not the lawyer's idea to fight or sue when Meda Inc Bhd has no grounds, although it makes the lawyer richer. These are just dirty tactics by the Teoh brothers to force its suppliers and contractors to agree to accept less than the outstanding sum. But they can't bully everybody.
If you have any more information, please send to me. Wendy truly appreciate all your support.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Multiple charges for Meda Inc Bhd directors!

My last post on 22nd Feb was an email from "A Friend" giving us a closer look at Meda Inc Bhd operations. We are told that the real power behind the whole thing is actually Teoh Seng Aun, who does not want to hold any directorships but have substantial shares in all the sister and brother companies. "A Friend" tells us that TeohSA (Teoh Seng Aun) is the one pulling the strings, the main man behind the whole setup.

"A Friend" also tells us that Meda Inc Bhd's so-called "profits" and sales turnover are in fact almost non-existent, because the Teoh brothers (owners) are the ones who buy up their own properties through shell companies, pay only 5% of purchase price, but register the sales as 100% on their books. This creates the illusion that Meda Inc Bhd is selling their properties well, when in fact, it is not true.

This kind of bullshit gives the wrong impression to investors who buy up their shares in the market, making their share price go higher than its true value. Kenneth Teoh and his brothers, all of whom hold large portions of shares, can then use the false market price to mortgage their shares for higher financing and credit lines.

We all know that many credit lines have been pulled back, because Meda Inc Bhd could not meet their regular payment requirements to the finance companies and banks. "A Friend" says this is why Meda Inc Bhd have no cash to pay suppliers. Only the directors/owners ae making themselves rich at the expense of suppliers and public shareholders.)

What are the implications for Kenneth Teoh, Teoh Seng Aun, others directors, and employees who are involved with these kind of undesirable activities, as mentioned by "A Friend"?

Let's look at all those people involved and what their crimes might be:


Directors such as Kenneth Teoh, Ong Bok Siong, Dr Patrick Teoh, and other members of the board will be guilty of:

1. Failure of carrying out their directors' duties;
2. Failure to act for the interest of the Company;
3. Fraudulent & false reporting;
4. Lying to the public about the real and true facts of the Company's business;
5. Defrauding the public shareholders;
6. Criminal breach of trust;
7. Criminal neglect of duties;
8. (Possibly) mis-use of company funds for private purposes;
9. (Possibly) illegal siphoning out of company funds.


Auditors are supposed to be professionals who uphold their integrity. They are supposed to do the right thing because the public place their trust in these people to report correctly and the truth. In the Meda Inc Bhd case, the auditors could be faced with:

1. Professional negligence (if they have not bothered to probe deeply);
2. Liability to compensate public losses for their failure to do their job professionally and competently;
3. Collusion with Meda Inc Bhd directors to defraud the public (if they knew what was going on);
4. Criminal breach of trust;
5. Incompetence (if they didn't know what's going on);
6. Accomplices in a crime.

There will also be other people indirectly involved, such as Acounts Managers and Financial Controllers. A lot of the illegal activities in a PLC like Meda Inc Bhd cannot be done without the knowledge of accounts clerks, managers and FCs (Financial Controllers). In some ways, our friends at this level are indirectly also helping their bosses and directors carry out illegal activities that defraud and mislead the public. Their own co-workers will also get a bad deal because all those talk about bonuses and "profit sharing" will be nothing more than empty promises. Employees in Meda Inc Bhd (and Summit Hotel USJ) will know what I am talking about: the management always promise this and that IF the performance is better, but those promises never come true.

Not only are the public shareholders and authorities being conned, the employees also are being conned by their management.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Exposed! Meda Inc Bhd lie about their sales!!!

A kind gentleman writes in to contribute interesting information about Meda Inc Bhd. He has given permission to publish the email for you readers:

"Dear Wendy,
You have most of the stuff about Meda correct except you do not know the REAL POWERMAN behind the whole operation. Kenneth Teoh is basically a front man. He only follow the instructions and appears to be the bad guy. The true DECISION MAKER is TEOH SENG AUN. He is the majority shareholder of the group and he does not hold any Directorship. His position in the company is Chief Operating Officer but he WIELDS the real power behind the company. In fact the group was started by him and two other partners.He pulled in his two brothers when the company was doing well. Because of his brothers Teoh Seng Aun had a fallout with his two partners and they split sometime in 1997.


Just to let you in on a secret as to WHY MEDA INC SHOWS PROFIT EVERY YEAR? Simple!!!!! They just create false sales for their projects. They use two Ringgit shell companies to purchase the properties they develop and pay ONLY 5% of the purchase price and then sign the Sales and Purchase agreements and register the sales as 100% sales. The full purchase price will be shown as income but in actual fact only 5% is paid. As such Meda Inc does not really have the cash to pay the suppliers and contractors.

You do not need to know who I am but the above is just the first instalment of more about Meda. You can print the FULL details I have given and I hope it will help you on your quest to expose how PLCs exploit the loopholes to cheat the public."
- from A Friend.

Wendy says "thank you very much" for your contribution, Tuan. Your expose has definitely added a new perspective on the whole Meda Inc Bhd operation. We look forward to hearing more from you. Thanks very much for your suport.

Reporters Are Waiting...
I know some reporters are following this blog. They are waiting for more info to come up before they publish in their newspapers. Meantime, readers can continue to submit to me photocopy documents and other stuff which I can send to SC and CCID of PDM for further investigation and action, it will be appreciated. Don't let these PLCs cheat us anymore! Malaysia boleh!

Selamat Tahun Baru Cina!

I want to wish all of you wonderful readers Gong Hei Fatt Choy!

I collected a bit of hong baos, so hope my chinese readers also have a prosperous time.

For Kenneth Teoh and his brothers who still come in to check up on what's new here, good luck to you, too. But you know very well, whatever you have done will catch up with you soon. You will need a lot of luck to get through, because you really have no hope left. Anyway, chinese businessmen with integrity will try to settle all their debts before the Lunar New Year. For Kenneth Teoh and his Meda Inc Bhd, they have snowballed so much debts over the years since they started, that they will forever hutang their suppliers. Not good for them lah.

We Left Kenneth Teoh alone during Chinese New Year

Some of the suppliers wanted to pay a "courtesy visit" to Kenneth Teoh's home at Jln Kiara 2 during Chinese New Year. They wanted to inform the police first, and then together in a group, go to the front gate with banners and loudhailer to demand payment from Kenneth Teoh. Chinese believe that during the New Year celebration, they should keep calm and not get angry so that they will enjoy good fortune throughout the year. So, after discussion they decided not to carry out the plan. Instead, they get together and enjoyed a nice lunch together and wish each other good luck. Of course, they also did NOT have good thoughts for Kenneth Teoh and the Meda Inc group.

Friday, January 26, 2007

SEMANTAN AVENUE SUITES: No money, no opening!

Another reader sent in this about their Semantan Avenue Suites at Damansara Heights:

"Hi Wendy,Hope your father is feeling better.

I sympathise with you regarding the payment problems with Meda. As you said, they really live up to their bad reputation. I'm also a supplier and they also owe us a substantial amount. Therefore I support your blog.

I have just been told that their Semantan service apartment project, although completed, is unable to open for business due to their payment problems as well. It seems that they are not able to secure supplies such as furniture and fittings etc for the apartments. The gist of what I hear is that their staff are now in place, incurring monthly wage costs, but they cannot open their doors as their rooms are not supplied.

This project is under another Meda company called Nandex. Nandex is a "shell" company with no assets; if anyone were to sue this company, the creditor get kosong. Many of the contractors involved are signed with Nandex."

Thanks for sending that in, and for your well wishes.

During the construction phase, Meda Inc Bhd owners had to find urgent money to pay their building contractor's progressive payments and there were some work stoppages.

What you mention does not surprise me. It is their Meda Inc Bhd style. Always hutang money everywhere, failing to pay for their goods. Yet they are buying up land and "developing" new projects. Our government should seriously implement a thorough audit of all these companies and implement new laws that protect consumers from becoming victims of such unscrupulous businessmen. Especially important is to audit the auditors' works. That will get all auditors to do their jobs properly and not be afraid of exposing illegal activities by these PLC owners.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Architect certified Meda Complex was complete, but it was NOT!

"Anonymous" sent in this contribution in my comments box:

"I used to work for Meda Complex, infact I was one of the pioneer staff that open the shopping complex....(some comments removed to maintain confidentiality of the person)...Seriously, the stories that I am reading now are not new and even during those times circa-1997, they were facing a crisis. Rumours were heard that they even had to take an off-shore loan to stay afloat and the architect was forced to certify that the construction for the Complex was completed (when it was only 90%) to avoid late delivery to purchasers. "

Notice the word forced.

I think this is the Meda Inc Bhd way of doing things. I think that if the authorities want to carry out an inspection of their buildings, Meda Inc Bhd will arrange for some "bonus" for the inspectors and everything will be taken care of. That's what they also do with licences and approvals for their shopping complex and hotel operations.

So, you should be careful if you are thinking of buying any of Meda Inc Bhd's condominium or shopping units, such as the Cova Villa, or One Subang, or even Semantan Suites. You won't know whether they have fulfilled all building and construction laws, unless you are an expert yourself.

If you look closely at their Semantan Avenue Suites, the 2 blocks sit on a very tiny plot of land. At the back is a very steep hillside. I wonder whether the walls behind is strong enough to withstand 2 weeks of continuous rain. Already, large parts of Johor is under water and KL has seen some aweful landslides.

We must not forget the Highland Towers disaster. Developers with a shakey track record and bad reputation should be avoided at all costs, no matter how cheap their apartments or shops are. All it takes is a combination of factors happening all at the same time, and your home will crumble and the lives of your loved ones lost forever. By then, the developer would have enjoyed all the profits and it's too late for you to go after them.

Why did the architect give in to pressure from Meda Inc Bhd to certify the Complex building when it was not ready yet? Was it because the owners offered the architect more money to certify it? Was it because the owners promised payment on time? Did the architect fail to fulfil their professional duty?

Below are our court's findings regarding the guilty parties in the Highland Towers collapse:


The following were the findings on liability by the Court:

The First Defendant was liable in negligence for not engaging a qualified architect,
constructing insufficient and inadequate terraces, retaining walls and drains on the hillslope which could reasonably have been foreseen to have caused the collapse diverting the East Stream from its natural course and failing to ensure the pipe culvert diversion was adequate, and in nuisance for not maintaining drains and retaining walls.

The Second Defendant (Architect) was liable in negligence for not having ensured adequate drainage and retaining walls were built on the hillslope adjacent to the Highland Towers site, which he foresaw or ought to have foreseen would pose a danger to the buildings he was in charge of, in not complying with the requirements of the authorities in respect of drainage, in colluding with the First Defendant and Third Defendant (the Engineer) to obtain a Certificate of Fitness without fulfilling the conditions imposed by the Fourth Defendant (the Local Authority), in so doing not complying with his duties as Architect, and in not investigating the terracing of the hillslopes and construction of retaining walls even though he was aware they would affect the buildings he was in charge of, and also in nuisance as he was an unreasonable user of land.

The Third Defendant (Engineer) was liable in negligence for not having taken into account the hill or slope behind the Towers, not having designed and constructed a foundation to accommodate the lateral loads of a landslide or alternatively to have ensured that the adjacent hillslope was stable, for not having implemented that approved drainage scheme, for colluding with the First and Second Defendants to obtain a Certificate of Fitness without fulfilling theconditions imposed by the Fourth Defendant and also in nuisance as he was an unreasonable user of land.

The Fourth Defendant (Local Authority) although negligent in respect of its duties associated with building. i.e. in respect of approval of building plans, to ensure implementation of the approved drainage system during construction, and in the issue of the Certificate of Fitness, was nonetheless conferred immunity by reason of s95(2) of the Street, Drainage and Building Act.

The Fourth Defendant was however not immune in respect of its negligence in carrying out its post building functions of maintaining the East Stream. This also attracted liability in nuisance.

The Fifth Defendant (Arab-Malaysian Finance Bhd) was liable in negligence in failing to maintain the drains on its land, and in taking measures to restore stability on its land after the collapse.

The Seventh Defendant (Metrolux Properties) and its Project Manager, the Eighth Defendant, who were liable in negligence and nuisance for preventing water from flowing downhill (into their site) and instead directing water into the East Stream, when they knew or ought to have known that this would increase the volume of water and inject silt, especially where there was extensive clearing on their land, into the East Stream where it would be deposited, which would in turn (as proved) cause or contribute to the failure of the drainage system and collapse of Block 1.

If you're interested you can read more about it here

Why developers put people's lives at risk?

Simple. To make more profits for themselves, to cut costs. Just look at the quality of Meda Inc Bhd's properties and you'll know that they have been cutting costs at all four corners.

(Cova Villa, Subang One are developed under Pharma Exel Sdn Bhd, which is part of Andaman Group Sdn Bhd, which is owned by the Meda Inc Bhd people. They don't want to pay their suppliers, but use suppliers' money for other projects. As mentioned in my previous posts, I think they are using Meda funds to finance their Andaman Group projects, with the intention to go for public listing on the Bursa. They know their Meda name is not well-received by share investors. I believe it is illegal to use public-subscription funds for projects that are not under the public-listed company.)

Thank you, "anonymous" for your info.

Does anyone else know anything more about this matter?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Keep The Information Coming In...Thanks!

I've been getting a lot of information from various people, especially those who have worked for Meda Inc Bhd and Summit Hotel Subang USJ.

I am most grateful for all your contributions. Please keep them coming in.

To ensure that you do not get into trouble with those burgers, please also state whether you would like me to publish your comments/emails in full or I should just use your info without mentioning your personal details (such as how you were wrongly accused and badly mistreated while working for them).

Those who wish to email me, it's

I will maintain confidentiality of your personal details unless you mention otherwise.

Thanks for all your support! Terima kaseh!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ex-Staff: Same Story About Meda Inc Bhd

Hutang Some More!

Just called their accounts department. No payment. This is really bad! It's now more than a year. I need my commission to pay my dad's medical bill. Kenneth Teoh could go on expensive holidays, but cannot afford to pay suppliers.


Another Meda Ex-Staff Talks: Nothing good to say about Meda Inc Bhd

Had dinner with SL at Asia Rice Pot, behind Wisma FAM, Petaling Jaya. (You should try it too. The food is quite good, and price is value for money). I've not seen her for quite a while so we had a lot of catching up to do.

SL is an intelligent and capable lady. She used to be part of the team at Meda Inc Bhd when the Summit Shopping Complex was undergoing a cleanup and "revamp" (around mid 2005 and early 2006).

It was no surprise that most of our conversation centred on Meda Inc Bhd and its operation. It was one of her worst work experiences ever.

SL told me a lot things which generally is what I have written in this blog so far. She also told me a few things which I will reveal later when the time is right - I don't want Kenneth Teoh and his people to destroy the evidence if he knows what I am talking about. SL said I should just pass the information to the authorities.

I mean, what do you think if the company, if their auditor staff simply quit from their jobs when they have only just joined the company? Is it because the staff had to work under instructions which went against their professional training? Was it because the staff found out some things which they would rather not handle and be blamed and charged later? Some people would rather quit than do something which is against their professional principle. I really respect such people.

SL also told me about the huge problems she faced there. She was told to make a lot of improvements to the Summit Shopping Compex, but very few suppliers were interested in providing quotations. They all have one common reason: Meda Inc Bhd has a VERY BAD reputation with payment.

Only a few of her friends were willing to take the risk to support her work. One of them managed to secure a Purchase Order. It was also the best price. The order has been delivered. Her immediate boss was happy with the work. But till today, her friend has not been paid.

SL said she was making good progress at her work there. She was already cautioned by others about the Meda Inc Bhd when she joined them. She thought she could take it as a challenge and see how far she can go. SL is quite a positive thinker.

But dealing with all the difficulties which were already there before she joined made it very tough for her. The shop-owners/tenants were not on good terms with Meda Inc Bhd management. The shopping complex was in horrible shape for a very long time. She also had to handle demands from those suppliers who had previously delivered their products but were not paid. Then she had to turn to other suppliers which Meda Inc Bhd did not owe money to. But these suppliers were too smart and know too much about her company. They were not interested in doing business with Meda Inc Bhd. To make matters worse, the owners TeohSA and Kenneth Teoh were quarreling over the management of the shopping complex. Poor leadership and lack of management expertise at the highest levels of Meda management made her days at the office very gloomy. She lost her motivation. She then quit, less than one year on the job.

SL knows about my problem. Meda Inc Bhd still hutang my company a lot of money. She says she will link me up with her supplier friend. Maybe we can join our efforts to take action against Meda Inc Bhd. Some other suppliers whom I have met have also suggested that we do something. I will let my boss know next week when he returns from Thailand.

Some of them also suggested we should together pay a visit to Kenneth Teoh's wife at their Mon't Kiara Damai house on this coming Tahun Baru Cina. What do you think?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,

It has been a very busy period since December so I hardly have time to add more to this blog.

My dad is also not feeling too good, he has been in and out of Gleneagles Intan a few times last month. I'm struggling to pay the bills.

But I will continue blogging because I have more to add here.

Meantime, I wish everyone a Happy New Year in 2007!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Owners' relatives are now the middleman supplier!

Solving the no-supplier problem

The word in the market is that many more suppliers have been avoiding doing business with Meda Inc Bhd and their associated companies, unless the terms are favourable such as cash on delivery or deposit + post-dated cheques upfront.

But Meda Inc Bhd's choices are getting less with each passing day. For some services, such as cooling tower repairs and maintenance, there are only those few big players. When these few suppliers hold back their services, shopping complexes and hotel operations can literally grind to a stop when the air-con system breaks down. Shoppers will run off, shops will refuse to pay their monthly maintenance charges and even sue Meda Inc Bhd for loss of revenue, and hotel guests will refuse to pay their bills even though the sauna is free.

You know what the Meda Inc Bhd owners are now doing to get around this no-supplier problem?

They're now getting their supplies through another company operated by their relatives!

Let's call this company Teoh Relative Sdn Bhd (TRSB). I will reveal the real name of this company in a later posting.

So, supposing Tak Mahu Lagi Sdn Bhd stopped supplying products to Meda Inc Bhd and Summit Hotel Subang USJ because of their infamous bad payment reputation, Teoh Relative Sdn Bhd steps in and source for those products, and then supplies these products to Meda Inc Bhd/Summit Hotel Subang USJ at inflated prices! Tak Mahu Lagi Sdn Bhd won't even know where the products end up, but most likely, they will be saddled with another bad debt from Teoh Relative Sdn Bhd.

My sources report that many of the products and services now being supplied to Meda Inc Bhd and/or Summit Hotel Subang USJ come solely from the owners' relative's company, whose actual business is nothing related to the products and services supplied.

Do Not follow standard procedure

What is even more interesting is that the normal standard procedure of open competitive bidding or tender is NOT being followed. This is against the legal requirements of procurement in a Bursa-listed company.

I can imagine the amount of profits this Teoh Relative Sdn Bhd will be making. I don't think the Teohs' relatives are the only ones benefiting from this profitable venture.

Isn't this a failure of directors' duties?

Isn't this an abuse of the owner-directors' position?

Isn't this an outright breach of trust?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Say "Welcome" to Meda Inc Bhd bosses & owners

Tension at Meda Inc Bhd corporate office

For the last one week, there's tension and excitement at Meda Inc Bhd corporate office.

Meda Inc Bhd group managing director Kenneth Teoh has been visiting this blog regularly. So is his brother Teoh Seng Aun. Even CEO OngBS, Datuk Hii (CEO of SEGi and managing director of EcoFirst) and Teoh's in-law VT have been checking out this blog, not to mention others from the group/hotel. I guess all of them would like to find out about the extent of their dirty laundry being aired in public. (But I will be fair, unlike some other people who hutang until mati).

The Teohs' relative, VT

Meda Inc Bhd insiders say Kenneth Teoh is hopping mad and on a "witch-hunt".

Kenneth Teoh should realise that all their dishonourable and unethical ways will come back to haunt him one day. While suppliers' options are limited by way of taking action against corporate bullies such as Meda Inc Bhd, there is now a new avenue of "citizen journalism". How long can Kenneth Teoh and his associates continue to hide behind their lawyers, draggy expensive law suits and nonsensical trumped-up allegations to avoid paying their suppliers? How long do they think they can continue to lie before they are found out? (I will write about this in another post).

My intention is not to defame anyone. Many of the corporate practices at Meda Inc Bhd may be found in other Bursa-listed companies, to a certain degree. But this one is among the worst of the worst. There are countless suppliers who became Meda Inc Bhd's victims. My company is one of them. It's my responsibility to my company because I ignored others' advice. I am also the victim because if they don't pay the bills, I cannot collect my commission to pay my father's hospital bills. Nevertheless, I try to be fair and even-handed in my comments.

I try to ensure my posts have factual basis. Since I demand credibility from Kenneth Teoh and Meda Inc Bhd, I have to do my best to uphold the credibility of my blog.

Who are those VIP gentlemen who have dropped in to view this blog in recent days?

For the curiosity of my readers, let me try to give a brief.

Teoh Seng Aun (TeohSA)
TeohSA is Kenneth Teoh's older second brother. According to sources, TeohSA is actually the driving force behind the Meda Inc Bhd group and associate PLCs - EcoFirst (formerly Kumpulan Emas), and SEGi. Previously they also owned very profitable engineering company Salcon Bhd, and furniture maker SYF Resources. Sources working close with the group say TeohSA is actually the one with the brains and business acumen. TeohSA has substantial shares in all of the brothers' companies in the group.

TeohSA is known to be very loyal to his subordinates. To the extent that he would even tolerate incompetence and even a bit of dirty fingers. Hence, in his power group, his people would serve him loyally for many years. Included in this group are CEO OngBS, and the in-law of the Teoh brothers VT. Let me say clearly that I'm not implying outright that these gentlemen are dirty-fingered or incompetent. However, I have to mention that VT, who was formerly running South City Plaza, was transferred to Summit Complex Subang USJ last year under a big group re-shuffling, but left shortly later under "awkward" circumstances. VT then went to work for Berjaya Group, but it lasted barely a few months. He was then brought back into the Meda Inc Bhd group by TeohSA. Blood is thicker than water. (VT is not the one holding up the payments, so I will avoid telling his tales).

Shouting match
During this time, there was a bitter political struggle among the brothers, especially between Kenneth Teoh and TeohSA who saw his power eroded with the loss of some of his strong kaki. It was so bad, in fact, that both brothers could be heard shouting and quarreling with each other in their corporate HQ at Menara Summit. Even the lowest ranking driver knows about this. This happened early this year.

One outstanding point that was told to me is that those working under TeohSA enjoyed much better salaries and perks than those working under Kenneth Teoh.

Datuk Patrick Teoh
Their eldest brother Datuk Patrick Teoh was an accountant who moved around with MCA people a lot. (I might decide to tell you all about a new "project" that they got from their connection with an MCA government minister). He has major shares in SEGi, EcoFirst Consolidated and Meda Inc Bhd. He was recently forced to step down from his chairman role in EcoFirst because of the huge losses the company suffered under his charge (at that time known as Kumpulan Emas Bhd). As deputy chairman with substantial shares in EcoFirst, people say he is still in control while the new chairman Tan Sri Dr Syed Jalaludin Syed Salim and new managing director Datuk Hii (CEO of SEGi) are just friendly parties acting as "front men" for the Teohs.

Chief Executive Officer OngBS is considered part of the TeohSA group, and has been there for many years. My insiders tell me that OngBS is "generally well-liked, respected but not assertive enough" in the face of corporate management issues with the Teoh brothers, but he is a rational, reasonable and a fair-minded man and a competent CEO. Such a CEO would be an asset to a messy and disreputable company such as Meda Inc Bhd because the owners would tend to be more rash and irrational in the way they do things as they are now guided more by their ego than any good business sense. For example, it's not good business sense to buy a BMW car for family use when cashflow is tight and their supportive suppliers are left unpaid, which caused a breakdown in Summit Hotel service to customers. Still, Kenneth Teoh did that.

BHTan is director sales & marketing for the Meda Inc Bhd group, and probably involved in all the other companies in which the Teoh brothers are involved in. BHTan may also have dropped in to see this blog, though I cannot be 100% sure.

Kenneth Teoh has no loyalties
Contrast TeohSA with Kenneth Teoh, who holds group managing director position in Meda Inc Bhd and who controls the hotel business. the latter runs his show like a kedai mamak - everyone of his managers work according to Kenneth's Teoh's moods. He has no long-serving loyal executives or directors under him.

His most recent executive director RC lasted no more than 2 years. RC, I hear, was an aggressive, results-oriented and demanding executive. To his credit, Summit Hotel did improve in terms of service and quality during his time. He became Kenneth Teoh's right-hand man when he proved that he was able to dramatically raise Summit Hotel's revenue and profit margins and drastically reduce operating costs. Hotel staff enjoyed the highest service points payout ever in their history (2004/2005). Kenneth Teoh removed his previous executive director RChung and promoted RC to that position. Where RChung was respected by his hotel staff, RC was feared. RC was reckless as he went about executing his boss's orders and stepped on many toes. Furthermore, reducing hotel costs meant suppressing workers' salaries and this weakened the support structure in the hotel service.

Earlier this year, Kenneth Teoh initiated another messy purge and pitted different teams against each other amidst rumours and allegations. In the intense politicking, senior hotel and mid-management staff left in droves. RC then left the group recently.

In the Summit Hotel Subang USJ, Kenneth Teoh now manages it through the team comprising hotel financial controller MC and resident manager RS, where previously it was executive director RC and a general manager HTC. What a clever way to slash costs. Without meaning to cast any doubts here on those 2 gentlemen's capabilities, now it's like running an international restaurant with just the head waiter and accounts manager. I wonder if mama lembu can still deliver good milk now?

Coming soon: Semantan Suites

The same operating mode is also happening at Semantan Suites at Semantan Avenue, where they hired someone whose qualification and experience is considered by industry standards as not on par with the demands and requirements in managing such a property. It won't be this gentleman's fault if he fails. Semantan Suites may just become another run-down property after the company has made its money.

What next?

Now, it's up to Kenneth Teoh to decide how this blog goes. What he is going to do about the monies they owe to suppliers? If he pays us suppliers, I would probably lose interest in continuing with this blog. However, everybody knows his bad reputation in this matter is a life-long bad habit.

In the meantime, my friends and I are preparing a thousand emails a week to be sent out to draw top corporate leaders' and businesses' attention to this blog. I have to learn a few tricks from Jeff Ooi on how to achieve 300,000 blog hits a month. lol

The Bursa and SC will also be included. Our Deputy PM should be keen to read this blog, too, since he made that speech about good corporate governance. If he is instrumental in successfully prosecuting a Bursa-listed company, he will look good and gain credibility which will help him alot in stepping into the PM post in future. It shows us Bolehsians and foreign investors that he means business, that he walk the talk.

DPM says good governance is critical to Bolehland.
To read this news article, click on it.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pay for a BMW or pay suppliers?

Another ex Summit Hotel staff talks...

We met up with JJ last Saturday. JJ previously worked at Summit Hotel Subang USJ.

It's also Eve's birthday, so she belanja us to a delicious dinner at Hakka Restaurant at Jalan Kia Peng (KL), and then we went over to Jazz Bar for some good music. JJ joined us a short while later from his workplace just nearby. Hotel staff, especially middle managers, work long hours but he is happy where he is now. He also brought along 2 colleagues. JJ is a really fun guy, and he's doing very well at this hotel now. He is loyal to his friends and he introduces business leads to them. His boss is sending him for a short stint overseas to get international exposure.

After a while, they were feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention showered on them by some GUYS. Those guys were not interested in any 4 of us leng loi (pretty gals)! So we went over to Maison club, next to Sheraton Imperial. JJ knows the people at Maison; he knows a lot of people in the club scene.

We then had supper at Jln Alor.

JJ said it's such a beautiful change of atmosphere working at his new place compared to the previous hotel. The present hotel is an international chain where management is professional and Board of Directors do not interfere unnecesarily. Here, there are clearly defined roles and responsibilities for top and middle management. Targets and directions are set in a clear and transparent way that allow management team to plan and execute strategies that achieve those targets without intervention or interruption. While cost management is critical in any hotel, it is not done so at the expense of service standard and long term business.

It was a totally different scenario at his previous hotel, he said. There, top management constantly overload the middle managers with more and more responsibilities until they can no longer function properly. They also don't get extra pay. Due to physical exhaustion, they had difficulty meeting expectations, yet they shoulder all the blame. Worse, they could be putting a lot of time and effort on trying to achieve certain aims, but often top management and the owner (Kenneth Teoh) would step in and change course like a zigzag driver. Sometimes, he didn't even know what they (middle managers) were supposed to do anymore. Top management & owner were shifting goalposts all the time. Often, they change their minds midway. He blames it on the owner who himself is not a trained professional hotelier. The only real concern on the owner's mind is costs, without an educated understanding of the relationship between cost and service standard, ultimately affecting the business.

There's a limit as to how much you can save without hurting the service quality. If you invest below the basic minimum, the service is simply not marketable because no customer will be willing to pay for it. Furthermore, JJ had much difficulty delivering on the standard of hotel service and keeping his customers happy because the owner was not paying suppliers, and suppliers then refused to deliver supplies. If the owner cannot understand something as simple as that, then the owner deserves to lose money, JJ said. (In other words, the owner made things even more difficult for hotel managers to do their jobs.)

Ironically, the hotel was not losing money at all. In fact, it was making money for the unappreciative owner. The hotel did have a hardworking management and marketing team, JJ conceded. (Note: The hotel management and the entire sales & marketing dept have now resigned.)

However, top management would deal with the cost problem by slashing staff salaries, which pleased the owner Kenneth Teoh. However, it became impossible for JJ to hire new staff of suitable skill level to replace those who left. To make up the numbers, he often had to hire those with no skills or poor attitude. A lot of time then had to be spent on training new staff on the job, leaving him with little time to actually manage. The time spent training would then be wasted when the new staff quit one week later for a better paying job in another hotel. This led to further drop in hotel service standards. It was an endless vicious cycle.

Yet, he was constantly being blamed for problems created that were beyond his control. He was made to bear the brunt of sloppy service. Sometimes, he could not even meet customer's orders because the ingredients/products ran out due to non-payment of supplies. His own salary was 20% below market, and his salary was not raised despite all his hard work and using his personal resources such as asking friends to do favours, to get things done for the hotel. It was like asking the poor people to help the rich get richer. (Work responsibilities raised but no corresponding pay increase).

There was a total lack of system and proper procedures. It was a confusing mess. The owner himself (Kenneth Teoh) would sidestep the reporting hierarchy and put some middle manager/dept head in a very awkward position of going against his immediate superior. JJ recognised that this management style only breeds resentment, confusion and politicking in the workplace. The whole system breaks down, mana ada productivity? (In other words, the owner actively encouraged managers to play the "Survivor" game - see my post in

JJ is glad he left Summit Hotel. It was a nightmare working there. He swore never to step into another hotel owned by a local "Chinaman" businessman, especially one like his previous hotel owner. There is a real reason why there are international hotel chains - professionalism. His former boss/owner think they could run a BMW business on a Wira budget.

JJ was visibly upset when remembering his time at Summit Hotel. The owner had no money to pay suppliers (causing supply interruption and creating unhappy customers) yet he bought a silver BMW-520 for his wife's personal use! In what way does the wife contribute to the hotel business, JJ asked?

Good question. Does this constitute abuse of company funds?

Readers should take note of this hotel before you apply for a job there - unless you are so desperate.

Note: At the moment, I can't verify whether the car was bought under the company or was it Kenneth Teoh's personal purchase. JJ says it was under Meda Inc Bhd. Either way, it's still a misallocation of resources. The owner should do the honourable thing of paying the suppliers first if he can afford to buy a BMW for his wife. The owner doesn't know his priorities. Our Deputy Prime Minister said something about good corporate governance the other day, right?


COVA VILLA : Who wants to live next to a stinking sewage pond?

This is a repost of my essay in the other blog "COVA VILLA AT KOTA DAMANSARA" (Use the link on the right to go there).

Cova Villa - Can you believe this developer?

Think. If you yourself cannot tahan the fragrant smell of sewage in the air, do you think the students from SEGi college will want to rent your apartment to stay there?

COVA VILLA is built right next to an oxidation pond. It will become dirty, smelly and a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other horrible insects. Yuks. To maintain the value of your property, and to ensure you get tenants to stay there, the pond must be well maintained and kept clean. You have to pay through your nose for the maintenance, and the developer will have to be very good at maintaining the place. But will they? What's their track record like?

For your own good, please check on the background of the developer. Do they maintain and manage their properties well? Check up on Summit Shopping Complex at Subang USJ. Talk to the shop owners and tenants there. Check on South City Plaza at Seri Kembangan also. Other properties can be found on my "MEDA INC BHD" blog (the link is on the right).

The developer PHARMA EXEL SDN BHD and ANDAMAN GROUP SDN BHD both belong to the same owners of MEDA INC BHD. To find out more about them, go here --> and

Here are some quotes from the 12 December 2005 report in The Star titled "Assemblyman, council endorse builder's new proposal":

"Mokhtar said the place was in reality a secondary jungle with the lake being dirty as it was contaminated by the nearby IWK sewage treatment facility. The developer will be upgrading the drains around the area to prevent effluent from IWK to seep into the lake," he said.

Can you trust the developer? Have you checked their track record? Your condo investment will depend on whether the developer actually upgrades the drains to prevent effluent from IWK to seep into the lake. But what about the treament facility? The smell will be in the air every day and every hour. There are other similar properties with smelly ponds like this. They have all gone down in value.

You can click on the jpeg below to read the Star report.

The Star report

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Want to buy their properties? Think again!

Cova Villa, built next to an oxidation pond!

Meda Inc Bhd & sister companies are not only very bad paymasters but also lousy developers: More proof

You will be amazed at how many companies they are operating.

Usually, if a developer has built a good reputation in the market, they will continue using their proud name in all their projects. A recognisable name builds confidence in buyers and investors. This ensure that their projects are sold out quickly. A good name projects a good image and creates market support and goodwill. It's called branding.

Not for Meda Inc Bhd.

The three brothers Datuk Patrick Teoh, Teoh Seng Aun, and Kenneth Teoh Seng Kian are owners and shareholders in each others' companies. This way, they ensure their total control and power over all management decisions in all the three companies (Meda Inc Bhd, EcoFirst and SEGi). Not only three, but countless other subsidiary and private companies that they set up to handle projects within the Group.

My unhappiness is directed only at Meda Inc Bhd where Kenneth Teoh is the Group Managing Director. Summit Hotel Subang USJ is owned by Meda Inc Bhd, and managed by Kenneth Teoh's private company Summit Hotel Management, which recently changed name to Regalia Hospitality Management Sdn Bhd. (To hoodwink unsuspecting new suppliers?)

I do not see the need to conduct business under the disguise of 40 to 50 companies, unless it is all a sham to keep defrauding suppliers and contractors to "sponsor" and "finance" their projects and then run away without paying. Either the suppliers have to sue to get payment, which will incur a lot of legal costs, or die waiting, which means Meda Inc and their group of companies get to use products and services without paying.

Changing names to sell their projects and developments also clearly show they are aware their names stink in the market, both to buyers and suppliers.

Their latest project is at THE COVA/COVA VILLA, KOTA DAMANSARA. (See news here It is developed and marketed under ANDAMAN GROUP SDN BHD. All those faces you see in the report are just "front men" doing the work for their masters in the background. Yet, the legal developer is a company called PHARMA EXCEL SDN BHD (see this link Same address. Andaman Group Sdn Bhd is owned by SEGi, Meda Inc Bhd and EcoFirst Consolidated. There you are, all three brothers in there. Many people won't know. But maybe they do...

I came across this Malaysia Property forum, where you can read some comments from property buyers about Cova Villa and the developers. Go here: (see comments 11, 12, 13, 14, 16) and here

Every day, the Teoh brothers are devising new schemes and new companies to build, develop and market their projects under new companies, and unsuspecting buyers and suppliers are getting tricked into doing business with them. While some suppliers may get paid if their products and services are crritical, the rest of them will have to take legal action to recover their monies. Some of them may just fold up and MEDA INC BHD and their gang of companies will benefit - no need to pay. They never intended to pay anyway. They'll create all sorts of excuses to delay, to demand discount and to not pay.

And when you decide to sue them, you may only be suing a shell company with no assets or cash. The company may show a negative bottomline, and if you force them to liquidate, well, they'll just close it but you get nothing. The money is not in there anymore.

What are we dealing with here? A group of unscrupulous fraudsters and conmen masquerading as Bolehland's legal businessmen??

In my mirror blog, I have listed the companies that come under these 3 Teoh brothers. It's here: It's not complete because I know they keep creating new companies all the time to avoid bankruptcy to their listed companies, while sucking in money from buyers and products and services from suppliers through their private ones. I will keep updating it as long as I receive new info from readers and friends.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Are the Meda Inc Bhd bosses/owners trying to shut me up?

Now I have their attention!

On 22nd Nov, I received the following 2 comments from someone who calls himself /herself "Inspector Gadget":

Comment (1) "Inspector Gadget: Evidence suggests that XXX and YY, the 2 most senior heads have abuse their power many times and the owners will not hesitate to take actions against them. Are you aware of that?"

Comment (2) "Inspector Gadget: I won't need your approval to bring the relevant people to justice. Rumours said that this MD's has a girl who drive a H@@@@ ZZ####. Are you aware of that?"

In the above comments, I have substituted the initials of the individuals with XXX and YY and the car number with ZZ#### because I do not wish for any unknowing people to be wrongly accused or drawn into this issue.

I sent the comments to some of my close friends and asked what they thought of them. I checked with one of my Meda friends and I was reminded who those initials are. Now I remember them.

Yes, it seems that Inspector Gadget is probably someone who works closely with the owners of Meda Inc. Inspector Gadget said "owners" so he probably have Kenneth Teoh and brothers Teoh Seng Aun and Datuk Patrick Teoh in mind as well. (His brothers names can be found on the website). Who knows, Inspector Gadget could be one of the brothers who may have received an email about this blog from someone.

From the tone of comment (1), it seems that Inspector Gadget assumes that this blog is somehow connected to XXX and YY, otherwise why bring up these 2 names? That he mentions the taking of action against XXX and YY by the owners, it sounds like a threat. Is Inspector Gadget trying to hint that action against XXX and YY will be taken......unless I stop telling you what you don't know about Meda Inc?

I think that's the message Inspector Gadget is trying to send. This is further strengthened in his comment (2) where he mentions an MD's girl driving a car with that number plate. I'm not sure what he's trying to tell me, almost everybody has a boy or a girl sometime. Is this something unusual? Why the car brand and license plate number? Is Inspector Gadget trying to tell me that he knows something about this MD (who??), and that he might want to use it against this MD? So, if this MD and the other 2 individuals are involved in this blog, then they must stop it or that correct?

Inspector Gadget is just trying his luck. He may do better at Genting than over here.

Inspector Gadget does not know that I don't need any senior heads or whatever for me to set up this blog and put in the exposes here. A lot of the stuff that I have written, and stuff that I intend to write in the future, are already known to many people in the market. I just need to gather the facts from them.

I don't think Inspector Gadget understands just how many people who have left Meda Inc have the important information and facts that I can use. I suggest he count them over the years. Inspector Gadget also does not realise that even those still working there are only there for their next pay day and they can't wait to get out when another job comes along. They are only too happy to keep me updated on what's going on!

It's time Inspector Gadget wakes up and BE AWARE that people may be taking your monthly gaji but they are ashamed to work for a company with a rotten reputation.

Suppliers and contractors meet on a daily basis and they often share information with each other, despite being competitors. Every supplier's top concern is whether this customer has a good or bad payment record. Even Meda Inc Bhd customers - the tenants - talk bad about the company on a daily basis. I was at a hair salon at Summit complex 3 weeks ago and the boss lady said she regretted buying the unit and cursed the complex management.

Frankly speaking, even "friends" of Kenneth Teoh whisper about Meda Inc's poor payment and try not to do anything for him in case they end up with bad debts. What more can you expect of others?

It seems that bad payment reputation is a specialty of Meda Inc Bhd since long time ago, as if the owners/bosses truly enjoy their bad reputation. Maybe you can do that to others, but not everyone will let you get away with it. You may hear about this in the very near future.

If Inspector Gadget's intention is to silence me, I would like to thank him for his comments but I will not be silenced. (Unless you have settled all the outstanding bills). My friends in the media are waiting for this blog to get more juicy before they pick it up and write about it. We Malaysians love such stories, don't we? Let's see what the owners will say when their shares drop to 5 sen. Let's see what they will say when all the banks pull back their credit lines. (Some credit lines have already been stopped). And let's see what they will say when SC starts investigating.

Inspector Gadget should go back to his owners and help to them to recall that they also check into Summit hotel with numerous China & Malaysian women on many occasions - not their wives, of course. Inspector Gadget, I really do not want to spill these out because it's not my intention to break up the owners' families, but you started it. Maybe I should give a more detailed account? These will be more interesting than a girl driving a car.

Inspector Gadget should also know that if employees didn't do things right, action have to be taken against them. Why were they not taken? Is it because the real fault lies at the top (Kenneth Teoh and his brothers)? Is it because the real truth is that those at the top are actually the ones with too much dirt on their own hands? I am pretty sure that whatever the employees did or did not do had the tacit agreement or knowledge or approval or instruction of the owners. If not, then the top bosses/owners should not be collecting their fat monthly salaries and director fees because they have failed their duties. More likely, I think the employees could be doing what the owners themselves have been doing. A thief is always suspicious of other people stealing from him. The top man must bear the most responsibility for whatever good or bad that happens in the company. That's why his salary is so fat, right?

Whatever "action" and "justice" Inspector Gadget talks about, these would probably be so insignificant compared to the fraud, falsifying accounts, tax evasion, failure of directors' duties, victimisation, criminal breach of trust, misuse of funds, corruption, bribery, mismanagement and a host of other major offences that might have been committed at the highest level.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Are you aware of that?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Reaction From Meda Inc Bhd!

It's getting more interesting

On 22 Nov, I received 2 comments. The tone and message of the comments sound like the sender works for the owners, and imply that they think they know who is helping with this blog.

I have decided to publish both comments with my response when I come back. I have to go to Nillai now and I will be back later tonight.

Anyway, I have the weekend to follow up on the posts. And to go through the emails that have come in offering more information to post on this blog. It will take a bit of time and effort as I want to ensure the accuracy of their information. I am thankful to all those who wrote in to show support. Don't worry, your email addresses will never be revealed - just between you and me, ok?

So, please come back later. There will be more, I assure you!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Did Ecstasy-pill disco in Summit complex Subang USJ belong to Meda Inc Bhd boss Kenneth Teoh??

The dadah connection? You figure out for yourself

For many years, a disco had been operating in the lower ground level of Summit shopping complex Subang USJ, until, I was told, the new Menteri Besar personally led the polis to close it down this year.

The name of the disco was called Magrave or something that sounds similar - I've never been there so I don't know how it is spelt, but I hear about it from - as you guess - the people in Meda Inc. It was located next to Songbird karaoke. Before that, it was also called Summit Dance Club.

This disco was a popular haunt for many young gals and guys from around the Subang Jaya area and beyond. On weekends, it was especially crowded. The ground level car park next to the disco was always jammed with cars.

It was also the place where youths could get their Ecstasy pills.

According to my sources, the disco was operated by people with powerful underground connections. It's ironical, even some local polis officers worked as security personnel in the disco at night, after their official duties in the day.

As my sources could not be very specific about certain details, I decided to do some research on this disco to give my readers a more factual account, if possible.

According to a forummer at community web portal ( ) the disco had been raided about 25 times!!

In May 2004, NST reported that in a raid on the disco, 50 people tested positive for dadah. Subsequently, numerous raids by Anti-Narcotics and polis netted many drug pushers and abusers. The Star on 8 May 2005 reported an early morning bust that tested 199 people positive for drugs and a substantial quantity of designer drugs seized. The NST reporting the same raid stated that 2 "owners" and a dirstibutor were also arrested. Bernama news on 1st Feb 2006 reported Subang Jaya CID Chief ASP Mohd Zakaria saying he was "puzzled" as to how the disco could remain open after it had been repeatedly found to flout licensing laws and was widely known for dadah distribution and consumption. He said he had already submitted the case to the local Council for action and enforcement.

You see, closing down the disco is the responsibility of the local Municipal Council. And the Meda Inc boss is close to the officials there. Many of Meda Inc's activties and that of Summit Hotel Subang USJ operations required clearance and licensing approval from the Council. It is well known in the company that money changed hands whenever such issues needed to be settled.

(In my earlier post about a Meda Inc technical manager who was asked to resign over a million-dollar contract in which equipment paid for were actually not delivered or installed. This was the man who acted as go-between for Meda Inc and the Council. No wonder he was paid several months' extra bonus to resign. Since his departure, another trusted aide have stepped in to handle these issues, someone who has boasted to many people that he was once a member of the polis force. This must be a very very profitable job, I'm sure.)

What does the disco have to do with Meda Inc boss Kenneth Teoh?? That's what I asked my contacts.

They told me, the disco operators could never get a licence from the authorities without backing and money from his big boss at Meda Inc. The disco operators had shady backgrounds, and were connected to possibly one of Malaysia's "Heavenly Kings". The disco was registered under some runners, not the real people who financed the operation. And these operators have been seen frequently together with Kenneth Teoh - at dinners, drinking sessions, pubbing, and partying And - my contacts said - Kenneth Teoh has a share in the profits from that disco. So, through his connections with the local enforcement authority, the disco was able to stay opened for years despite 25 raids, contributing to the drug problem among the local community while he laughed all the way to the bank.

Didn't he know that the disco just below his office is a distribution point for dadah? Did he or did he not enjoy a percentage of the profits from the disco? With at least 25 raids over the last 2 years, how could the shady operators possibly stay in business without his involvement and connections? Afterall, the disco is in his shopping complex, and the operators were his buddies!

If I could, I'd try to uncover the paper trail and have him put behind bars for a crime against community. But you know these things, there's no paper trail. Or maybe there is...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Meda Inc Bhd owes cleaning contractor RM200,000, resort to dirty tricks!

They make you do deliver first, after that they potong you

In my previous post, I mentioned the cleaning contractor who was brought in to quickly spruce up the Summit shopping complex, which they did a good job of it. (I know because I have seen the transformation myself).

The purpose at that time was to make the complex look good to draw in more tenants as the place looked like a slum especially on the upper levels. This would enable Meda Inc to demand a higher price for the property from potential buyers. (They were planning to sell it to raise cash to ease their cash flow problems, and they also needed money to keep their Kota Damansara project going).

This afternoon, I almost fell off my seat when a mutual friend told me over coffee that Meda Inc owed over RM200,000 to this contractor.

That's not all. Now, Meda Group MD Kenneth Teoh has sent his "operations manager" Wan to find faults with the contractor and the contract and is demanding a discount of almost 40% off the bill - after almost a year of work completed.

The contractor is outraged.

The thing is, if the contractor had truly not fulfilled their part of the contract, that would have come to light in the first few months of their doing the job. Why now???In fact, it was Meda who drew up the contract and stipulated the manpower requirements and job scope, and Meda had offered this contractor an extention of the contract after the initial 3 months.

It is so obvious to us all that Meda Inc is trying to create imagined complaints in order to get away with paying less for a job that has already been completed to satisfaction. This is their desperate move to force their suppliers and contractors to accept lower payments AFTER they have delivered.

What a stinking company.

Now, I get this uneasy feeling that soon they will come telling me that our products or services rendered were not up to scratch - almost a year after they have been delivered, rendered, used and consumed by Meda Inc and Summit Hotel Subang USJ.

Now I can empathise with that group of suppliers who kicked the door at Meda office the other day. I might have done worse.

Oh, I also hear that some big thing is going to happen at Meda Inc office soon. Just wait for it - it may be in the newspapers. And Meda Inc is going to be very badly affected.

Suppliers and contractors are not going let them get away with all this crap any longer. Over the years, there is now an army of very angry suppliers and contractors out there very furious with Kenneth Teoh.

Anyone out there, if you know of more bad experiences with Meda Inc or Summit Hotel Subang USJ, please email me or post them in the comments column. I hope to receive more information from all other suppliers and contractors who have been cheated by this Group. Of course, it must be as true and factual as possible, please. Thank you semua.